Venue and Event Info

Venue and Event Info

Kia ora team, we're only a couple of days away from the big event and I am hyped. I'll be putting out another post with more instructions regarding Package pickup etc tomorrow.

Te Pae

The photo above is of the Cathedral Square entrance to Te Pae - we're located in Exhibition Hall 3, and these doors are the closest entrance. If you come in from the other side (by the river) you can still get to the event, but will have a bit more of a walk!


Buying, selling and trading

We have 3 excellent Card Vendors (and PCG!) who have travelled to provide you with either cash for cardboard, or cardboard for cash. This is a reminder that buying and selling of cards can only happen with the Vendors themselves - any players who are buying or selling with other players will be asked to leave the venue.

Don't let your weekend end on a sour note, so please don't try and skirt this rule at all. Trading between players is acceptable, we're a Trading Card Game after all!

Iron Knight Gaming will have a variety of sleeves and accessories available for sale at the Registration Desk (these will not be available during crunch times!)



If you wish us to print your decklist for the Calling, please email it through to:

Please either use the official editable pdf or a pdf from Fabrary.

Decklists need to be collected from the Scorekeepers by the end of Friday - if you have not done so you will need to fill one out by hand/print your own.


Food & Drink

I've got some mixed news on this front, please have a read of everything.

Water Coolers will be available in the event hall itself!

Te Pae has food options consisting of hot beverages, soft drinks, chips, chocolate bars and muffins, and also a vending machine for purchases once their on-site catering shuts down. Sadly, the official word from the venue is also:

"Te Pae Christchurch has the sole catering rights to the venue, no external food/catering including packed lunches or bought food (takeaway) is allowed in the venue."

I would expect then that if you are eating food purchased elsewhere, they will ask you to leave the venue. This is standard at other venues around the world, but may come as a bit of a shock for those of us used to a more relaxed, kiwi approach.

On the plus side, Te Pae is located in the heart of the city, with many different cafe/food options within a short walk. The team at Inkster Company have also extended a 10% Discount on food and drink at their venues - OGB, the Church Pub and the Austin Club - just tell them you're "there to have a drink in the Flesh and Blood!"

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